STOP TB Partnership’s Wave 6 TB REACH grants has provided funding support to implement innovative active TB case finding among nomadic pastoralist in Adamawa, Gombe and Taraba States of Nigeria through KNCV as the principal recipient of the grant Janna Health Foundation and SUFABEL Community Development Initiative, Non-Governmental organizations as implementers of the grants in the States Provide Motorcycles to all the Local Government Supervisors to support TB Activities in the Three States.
The Distribution ceremony for Gombe was conducted on the 18th of April 2019 at State TBL office in Gombe, where all the LGTBLS, State Control officer, Project manager GomSACA, Programm Officer Sufabel, KNCV Staff and Other Stake Holders were Present.
During the meeting with the Local Government Supervisors, Update on the project was given by PM SACA where he highlights Progress and Challenges of the project so far. Discussion and way forward were giving by the KNCV Staffs, Quality Control Officer, Control officer and the LGBTLS.